But it is there. JOY. And somehow, we're supposed to have it. Need to have it.
The joy of the LORD is your strength. (Neh. 8:10)
You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound. (Ps. 4:7)
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
(John 15:11)
There it is, in black and white and red. The Christian life is to be a life of joy. Joy, even in the middle of suffering. Joy, even when there seems to be nothing to hold on to. Joy, even when I can cry out, and it seems all I hear are echoes in a vast wasteland. And deep inside I know that when I don't feel joy, it is not because He is not supplying, but because I'm too busy to receive. I've got that type of personality that says go and go and go until you break down, and that's when God wants you to rest. Trouble is, I don't really believe that. I really do believe that God wants us to rest, and take joy in being with Him, but when I try to rest, I find a dozen different "godley" things that I can be doing, and I substitute doing for Him with being with Him. Now this is not all the time, but it happens a lot more than I would like. Stillness is hard for me. Sometimes, I get stillness when my health acts up and I am forced to be quiet, yet even then I anxiously await being able to get back to "doing".
For me, it's really about breaking the habit of busyness, and learning how to rest in Him. Because that joy comes from Him, and the only way we receive his joy is in intimacy with Him. His plan of redemption was not only for the defeat of satan's hold on us, the defeat of sin. Don't get me wrong, Christ did come to defeat what satan did in the garden of Eden, but another part of that plan was to re-establish that relationship God shared with Adam and Eve in the garden, that intimacy. And that can be scary, because it means, just like Adam and Eve, we will be naked before Him, faults and all. So we refuse the joy we could have, so that we can hide behind our fig leaves, hoping He won't see.
Something I read today may help in getting me to be still a little more. It's in Phillippians.
Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Imagine if our minds were taken up with these things more often than the normal day to day thought process we have. I really think the things that are inconsequential would begin to drop away, clearing our time up to actually spend time being with and listening to God. And then maybe our joy can be complete. I press on to that goal, often falling, but getting back up again, dusting myself off, and starting again. Will you journey with me?