It's July Fourth! A time of fireworks, and music, and picnics, and grilling, and swimming pools, and oh yes, that little piece of paper giving birth to a daring new republic, the Declaration of Independence. Some studies have revealed that many of the themes in this letter to King George III had been "borrowed" from other works, but the collection of these together, along with the signatures of 56 men, shook the foundation of the British Empire, and set the foundation for thirteen separate, sovereign states to become united as one, the United States of America.
In all of this, debates and tempers were heated, even as the Philadelphia heat of summer beat down on their meeting hall. But there was a force, a vision, that was above and beyond those differences of opinion. And it was to this purpose that these very different men affixed their names, and became, as one, Americans.
For this Fourth, let us resolve to go beyond our differences, put party lines aside, and as these brave men, cherish the fact that we are all, as one, Americans.