Friday, April 3, 2015


Sunrise Service. As someone who is most definitely "not" a morning person, these two words are usually not connected in my lexicon. But then there's Easter. There is something so beautiful and significant in the rising of the sun and the rising of the Son. I like listening to the more modern anthems (if you call "Rise Again", "He's Alive" and Easter Song" new) but I love singing the old hymns..."Christ the Lord is Risen Today", He Arose" and of course that old chestnut, "He Lives".

He Lives, He Lives, Christ Jesus lives today.
He walks with me and talks with me
Along life's narrow way
He Lives, He Lives, Salvation to impart.
You ask me how I know He lives,
He Lives within my heart.
As to the timing of the rising, the Bible doesn't specifically say Jesus rose at the crack of dawn. But I can't imagine the Lord of Creation holding back for one second longer that he had to, before busting open the gates and rising victorious.
If you were to ask me why I believe he rose from the dead, that's a little more tricky. I could give you any number of personal reasons, all of which could be explained away, or even just ignored. I could tell of things He's done for me, and some would say coincidence. Yet nothing will shake my faith in Him.
I think that we all have the choice to accept or reject God's existence. We can either believe that our world in which we are born, live and die, as bad as it is, is all of our own creation and making, and for our time here we are trapped in its existence. Or we can see God, not as a warden, but as a liberator, with the keys to our cells (ourselves), allowing us the freedom to become better than we can be on our own. We can believe that the history of how mankind has treated others is evidence there is no God, or We can believe that God's will is not to condemn each other, but to lift each other up, with a love strong enough to die for even those who would hate us, and that He did just that as an example for us.
You see, I can choose to believe in a world that many would say we could just as soon do without, or choose to believe in a God that would have us be a change in that world. Belief is choice, and I choose Him. You ask me how I know He lives, He lives within my heart.