Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Date - 1984

Occasionally, I'll read my horoscope, just for the fun of it. I don't believe they can predict my future, but sometimes the generic statements contain a germ of truth. Earlier this week, mine read...

You work in the world of the mind, and you play in the world of the heart. One person brings these two worlds together, and that's a beautiful relationship.

This is one they got so right. Many Decembers ago, I had just finished working with a particular church as music minister, and a Sunday School class there asked me to come to their Christmas party. It was a college age class (I was a little old for it), but I had been wanting to join them, and thought it was a good opportunity. Trouble was, I barely knew anyone in that class.

Well, almost anyone. There was this one girl that I knew from my old school, back when she was 10 and I was 15, and we rode the same bus. Cute kid, used to like to pick on me. Then I noticed that she was at this church, she, her mother and father. They would sit in the forth row, and she and her mother would make faces at me while I was trying to lead the singing without laughing.

So I asked if she would come with me to help me get acquainted with more of the class, to fit in. December 18, 1984. The day my life forever changed for the better, even if I didn't know it then. She took up being in a relationship with a MUSICIAN, which is like suicide, and worse yet, a CHURCH MUSICIAN, which is like slow torture THEN suicide. She made me a better man than I had ever hoped to be. She has stood by me, even when I may not have been entirely worthy. She has been there and seen me through some pretty tough times health wise, more than any woman should have to. She has loved me, comforted me, encouraged me, been strength and hope and love for me. And I hope to have been able to give all this to her as well. My life is complete, because she completes me.

I wish for everyone this kind of love. The love of a person you can trust intimately with your hopes, dreams, heart and soul. Such a love IS out there for everyone.

1. It is always there in God's love.
2. You should always love yourself, just as God loves you.(It's hard to love our neighbor as ourselves, if we don't love ourselves as God loves us!)
3. If you share love with others, the right person will share it back! 

One last thing before I go, Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 9, 2016

More on New Mexico - Patterns

It is amazing to see the mountains in New Mexico. Being a product of the Appalachian side of the country, I thought all mountains were green and crowded together. Thick and covered with luscious growth and trees bumping up against each other. then there is New Mexico. The first thing that hit me was the openness of the sky. Clear as far as you could see, and you could see forever. that brings me to the next thing I noticed. How immense everything is. It's like everything got super sized. I did, at first, miss the color that is the Smokies. Most of the color in those mountains are just different tones of beige. As I was ready to get my scoff on, I began to notice patterns in the rocks. Swirls and gashes and etchings created by oceans long since vanished. Each stone behemoth a potter's creation, with the prints of the masters hands visible in the finished product. Each one unique, each one beautiful. Each a testament of God's creativity.

Both mountain ranges were created through pressure. One by the pressure of the earth's crust, one by oceans carving and tearing and washing away. Both are left as distinctive, beautiful creations. We too are shaped by the pressures and events of our lives. Each of us individual, distinctive, beautiful. For beauty lies not in perfection, but in the scars and wounds of our lives. It is there where God reaches down, and touches us, heals us. It is there His hand print is visible. In the patterns of our souls.

Be proud of the person you are. You have been made a beautiful creation by the Master creator, with the touch of His own hand. His intimate, loving hand. Dwell in the love He has given.

Friday, December 2, 2016

A Holiday Wedding!

Please forgive the delay between posts! I've been quite busy over the Thanksgiving holiday, including traveling to New Mexico for a family vacation, and to officiate my brother-in-law's wedding, an incredible honor! It was a wonderful time for us, as we don't get nearly enough time with that part of the family. (It did seem a little odd, however, to have everyone watching the Vanderbilt/Tennessee game, and not be the only Vandy fan in the house! Great game - GO 'DORES!!) Which brings me to my musings today.

Weddings have been around almost as long as humans have inhabited the planet.

Boy meets Girl,
Boy hits Girl over the head with club.
Boy drags Girl into cave by hair.
And they lived happily, ever after.
The End.

Except it isn't the end. After all this time, people still get married every day. Why would such an antiquated system still be used in today's modern world?

It comes down to the meaning of TRUE love. Not just a love of attraction, although attraction is not a bad thing in itself. (If attraction is based solely on beauty, however, it's lust, not attraction. Good rule of thumb from Billy Graham - If you look once, it's admiration, If you Keep On looking...) True love changes your focus, changes your priorities, changes you. This is how Paul describes it in 1st Corinthians 13: 4-8

     Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant  or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

When two people feel that way for each other, nothing short of marriage will honor their commitment to each other, It is when two people both can say "I want to give you my heart, soul, hopes and dreams" and both can say "I want to take your heart, soul, hopes and dreams, and cherish them as my own" that marriage is justified. It is just such love that represents how much Jesus loves us. He gives himself totally, freely. He asks that we give Him our heart, soul, hopes and dreams, not to become empty slaves, but so that He can protect and nourish us, so that our heart, soul, hopes and dreams can be fulfilled. This is why true love needs marriage in today's world. This is why we, in this world, need Christ's true love.

Faith, Hope, and Love abide; these three, but the greatest of these is Love.


GO 'DORES! (also Go UNM Lobos, but that's another story!)

Friday, November 11, 2016

God Bless Us, Every One!

 Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.                                 Colossians 3:12-17

Last night, I crossed something off my bucket list. I went to see a one man show of "A Christmas Carol" (my favorite book of all time), performed by Gerald Dickens, the great, great grandson of Charles Dickens. It was every bit as good as I had hoped it would be. I also had the chance to talk with Mr. Dickens for about 5 minutes or so, and it was a wonderful conversation. If you should ever have the chance, your should see him perform. It is well worth it.

I've loved "Christmas Carol" ever since I first saw the Alistair Sims movie version as a child. When I read the book as an adult, it's story hit me so strongly, I've read it at least once a year ever since. It has everything a story could want...Drama, Humor, Conflict, Resolution. But there is something more to this tale than the story itself. It questions the lives we lead, not just for ourselves, but with and for those around us. Closing ourselves up, rather than reaching out. Thinking we are keeping others out, so that pain cannot come in. In reality, closing the pain within our own walls, never letting it out.

In the closing Stave, Scrooge sees his redemption is in treating his fellow man with compassion and love. That is where the verses above, I think, take on such great meaning. The election season has been a brutal one, flaming the passions of many. That has just been the final torch light, however, to growing tensions and passions over the last few years, both in America and beyond. In our fight for our own selfish rights, we have often trampled on others, without even casting a glance down. Taking a stand is right, and necessary, but to do so as Christians ALSO requires " compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience...".We must " let the peace of Christ rule " in our hearts. Our peace, our healing, comes by loving as Christ has called us to love. Re-read those verses above. It does not call to deny your faith, nor does it call to ignore your beliefs. It says, in simplest terms, to love.

If we can bring ourselves to love others, as Jesus has loved us, then it will be truly said that we've kept Christ in our hearts, every day of the year. We will have turned to Him, and away from our wicked ways. And then at last, God will heal our land. God will bless us, every one.

Friday, November 4, 2016

November 4th

November 4th is a very special day to me. My niece, Allison, was born on that day. I experienced triple bypass surgery on that day. And 8 years ago, my father passed into glory so richly deserved. I still miss him every day. Love you, dad.

Danny Boy
I rose from a restless sleep.
A melody followed from dream to wakefulness.
A familiar tune, one of my Dad's favorites, mine too.
Played on a trumpet; smooth, clear, tempo rubato.
Like an ocean tide rushing to the shore, then
Reluctantly, slowly, retreating back to the depths.

And I laughed, because my Dad hated the ocean.
Yet the ocean is my haven of rest..
The same melody ran through us both, yet rarely
In sync with each other.
When I heard a trumpet, he heard a guitar.
When I rushed, he slowed.
When I slowed, he rushed.
Still, it was the same, beautiful song.

My family all have variations on that tune.
Some rock, some country, some bluegrass,
classical, even jazz.
Some improvise until you can barely hear the tune at all.
On the surface, a symphony of noise rising to the heavens,
Till the angels cover their ears.
But underneath, the melody stays strong and true.
And I love it.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Cloud of Witnesses - Go Cubs!

     Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

I like millions of other Americans, am sleep deprived today, because I, like millions of other Americans, watched baseball history unfold last night. After 108 years, playing with a ball that has exactly 108 stitches, in 10 innings with 8 runs, the curse of the goat ended. That's right. CUBS WIN! There were tears and laughter and screams and high fives...and that was just me and my wife.

We joined in, collectively, with those fans who had never seen this happen before. We also joined with those fans who lived and died without ever seeing it happen. I could just see in my mind, my mother-in-law putting her hands on either side of Harry Carey's oversized, coke bottle lenses glasses, and screaming "HOLY COW! CUBS WIN!", while Harry belts out "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" to the crowd of angelic Cubs fans from over the last century. (I know that not all angelic beings are Cubs fans, but all Cubs fans go to heaven...right?)

It was a unity that defies description. A oneness that goes beyond time. An experience of joy shared with people we couldn't even see. All witnessing history achieved last night.

In the same way, we as Christians are surrounded by those in the faith. As we run the daily race, fellow Christians are there to pray for us, encourage us, urge us on to the prize that is Christ Jesus. And not just those who live, but those that have achieved the prize, screaming and cheering "Go! You can make it!" Shouting and surrounding us. Why don't we feel it sometimes? Why do we so often feel tired and alone? Because we've lost that sense of oneness. We see ourselves as alone, not part of the body of Christ. Unwilling to reach out to the throng that surrounds us. Unwilling to reach up to Jesus for help when discouraged. Alone, in a crowd of friends. Helpless, while help is reaching out.

Take help from the hand Jesus is holding out. Take joy in the friends by your side. Take courage from those who completed the race, now cheering you on. The Cubs don't have to wait till next year any more. And neither should you.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Prodigal Son - Reduex

Once upon a time, because all good tales begin that way, there lived a Texas cattle rancher who was well off. By that, I mean filthy rich; J.R. Ewing, Dallas style rich. And this rancher had two sons; one good, one...not so much. Both sons had been raised on the ranch, had worked the ranch since they were young. For the older, good son, this was fine. He wanted nothing more than to see the ranch succeed, and take it over after his father died. It was his secret dream.

But the younger son's dream was not for the ranch. He hated it there, and let his father know every chance he got. This son had goals and dreams beyond those fences. His passion consumed him daily. He wanted to be the first male gold medalist in ...ribbon dancing! The graceful wrist movement, the perfect spiral achieved, this was his heart and soul. But ribbons, and costumes, and all the rest he needed cost money, money he didn't have. So he went to his father.

"Daaaaaaad" he whined, "you KNOW I don't want to be here! You KNOW I want to be a ribbon dancer! You've GOT to give me the money to pursue my dream! It's all I Waaaaant!"

"Son, I don't know if..."

"Daaaaaaad! You NEVER let me do what I want! You don't LOVE me! Just buy my portion of the ranch, and you'll NEVER see me AGAIN!"

"OK, son, if that's what you want."

So the son collected his things, and left for the Las Vegas Olympic Facility for Ribbon Dancing (LVOF-RD). Weeks went by and costs mounted up. Before long, he was borrowing money from the other dancers to cover his costs. The expenses, the gambling, the extravagance, the wild parties, and the dancing. Oh, the dancing! He would twirl and twirl and twirl till he fell down, which he did...a lot. Finally, the coach came to him.

"Kid, you're not working out here. I'm cutting you from the team. Get out by tomorrow."

"But, Coach, I got nowhere to go; no money to get there!"

"Alright, I need someone to dry clean the costumes. You can stay in the basement, and eat whatever is left from the other dancer's lunches."

If you've never seen a ribbon dancer eat, don't worry. No one else has either. The tiny, wilted shreds of lettuce were not enough for even the rats in the basement, and the dry cleaning chemicals had burned his hands and eyes. He had enough. He would go back home. At least there he could work as a hired hand. At least there he would have meat again! With just the clothes on his back, he hitchhiked back to the ranch.

While he was walking that last stretch of Texas road, still about a half mile away, his father saw him from the gates at the head of the driveway, and ran to meet him. The son said "Father, I know I don't have a part in the ranch, but I'd like to come work for you, if I can."

But the father would have none of that! He got his son's old duster and put it on him. He got the family ring and put it on his finger. He said "Boy, you're skinny as a rail! Come here and eat. We'll throw a shindig like this ranch has never seen! My son was dead, and now he's alive, was lost, now he's found!"

And the moral of the story? If you are a prodigal ribbon dancer, you can go home again. You can return to the Father. Are you afraid of his response? Do you expect his full wrath to come down on you? You don't have to worry. The Father is waiting at the gate even now, waiting to run down the road to meet you, kiss you, feed you, clothe you, love you. All you need to do is...come.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

I Searched For You - a poem

I searched for you, LORD, in government halls.
Hoping laws would bring you to me.
But the laws were hollow, empty and bare.
Your love I just could not see.

I searched those who claimed only they know your way.
All other voices, they claimed, kept you away.
But the only voice they heard was their own, not yours.
Through them you had nothing to say.

I searched through Facebook, through Memes and posts.
I liked till my finger was sore.
Still your truth eluded my grasp.
And I knew that there must be more.

When all else had left me empty,
And life a disappointing defeat,
Your love came through, for while looking for you,
You were lovingly looking for me.

I trust nothing else to bring me to you.
Put nothing else first in my heart.
I give you my life, my soul, my all.
That's the only place I can start.

MDM 10/20/2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016

One In The Spirit

"We are already one. but we imagine that we are not. And what we have to recover is our original unity. What we have to be is what we are."
- Thomas Merton "The Hidden Ground of Love"

In a society so desperately seeking "inclusion", we are more diverse than ever before. We fight for our rights to individual identity and purpose, then fight again when that individualism keep us from being "included", treated like others. It's even reflected in our churches, where we claim to be the one body of Christ, but each part claiming "they're the real one"! According to a study by the Gordon-Caldwell Theological Seminary, there are approximately 41,000 different Christian denominations and organizations in the world. That seems like a lot of nit-picking to me, about something that should be simple, plain and true.

God, He is the one true God.
Jesus, His Son, came and died and lived again that we would be reconciled to God.
The Holy Spirit, He is comforter and guide to lead us to God's truth.
And somehow, beautifully, mystically, those three are one.

I'm not disagreeing on those divisions that exist are needed. Each one reaches out to someone else, someone who could only be reached by that particular light and way of reasoning. Our problem occurs when we begin to think our way is the "best" way. That we have a bit of an edge on someone else. And there lies the fatal flaw. It is NEVER "our" way. It is GOD'S way. His only. All any of us can ever do in this life is look through a dark mirror at Him. What we see, or think we see, is dim compared to what God truly intends for us, and absolutely dark compared to the light of who He truly is.

The time has come for the body of Christ to consider itself just that, HIS body. Of which HE, not us, is the head. We get so offended by the little pinpricks of inconvenience in America that come upon us, while others in other countries serve Him with the giving of their lives. We must stop worrying about what we consider as slights to the rights we think we should have, and begin to think of ourselves as servants, together, of the very ones that hurt us. Our hate, our indignation, will do absolutely nothing but fan flames of more hate. We must be servants, just as Christ was a servant. We must love, even as He loved.

We, His body, must stand together, but not in Our strength, we have none. Not in Our superiority, for all have sinned. The strength that will see us through is dependence on Him alone, not ourselves. His guidance, not ours. His love, encompassing all, and reaching out to all, not the noisy sounds we make by ourselves. A different kind of inclusive...In the world, not of it. Not to force others into submission, but to draw them in by Our submission to Him. Not to draw them into ourselves, but into Him. Then there is unity. Then there is a power greater than any the earth can raise against us. Then He is glorified. Then we are His body, His bride, His church.

We are one in the Spirit, We are one in the LORD
We are one in the Spirit, We are one in the LORD
And we pray that all unity, will one day be restored
And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
And they'll know we are Christians by our love.

Friday, September 30, 2016

The Path of Life

"Therefore choose life" Deut. 30:19

I was listening to an interview with the leader of a group of volunteer rescue workers in Syria, known as the "White Helmets". This is a group of Syrian men (plumbers, carpenters, shop owners, etc.) who search through the rubble in the aftermath of bombings in their white safety helmets to try and locate survivors. When asked why he would put his life at risk to serve like this, rather than, for instance, to serve in the Syrian army, he responded "I chose to follow a path of life rather than a path of death." These brave men have been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

As this applies to Christians, we are also to be the "White Helmets". To search through the rubbles of life and help people come out from that ruin, to heal their wounds as best we can, and let God introduce Himself to them. In a world of sanitized Christians, that means getting our hands dirty. With the story of the Good Samaritan, the hero is not the priest, or Levite, but the one who took, clothed and bandaged the beaten man. The story was told to identify who is our neighbor, the one we are to love like ourselves. But I think we are to not just love, but be like that neighbor. When he pulled the man up, he didn't ask "What were you doing in this part of town?" "Why didn't you pay attention?" That's what happens in the wrong crowd!" He just saw to his need and made sure he was cared for. So should we reach out to those around us, not as adversaries, but as neighbors. Not to destroy like an army, but to rescue, to love, like a neighbor.

We have chosen life, because God has chosen us. A hand reached down and pulled us from the rubble. He accepted us "as is", and said "I love you." To do less than this for others, when God has so greatly loved us, is to shame Him, and it mocks the love He gave. Be a neighbor. Just reach out your hand. In today's world, there are more than enough within reach who desperately need it.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Some Cleansing Thoughts

After a very long week, take some time to ease your mind. Have a great weekend.

Matthew 6:27-29King James Version (KJV)
 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

John 16:33King James Version (KJV)
 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

John 14:27King James Version (KJV)
 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Psalm 37:3-7King James Version (KJV)
 Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
 Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
 And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.
 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.

It is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. - Horatio Spafford/Phillip Bliss

Love Never Ending, Boundless, Deep And Strong, Be Yours At This Moment, And From Now On - Me

Philippians 4:8King James Version (KJV)
 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A Musing on America

I try not to focus on politics much on this blog, but recent events have caused me to wonder about our world, and specifically, our country, and I'd like to share a few thoughts. As always, my opinions are my own, and no better or worse than others, but I do beg your indulgence from just a moment. Thank you.

The idea of "jihad" has been around for a long time, but modern jihadism seems to have it's start in the late 60's and early 70's. Small dessert nations were getting rich with oil profits, yet the majority of it's peoples were barely getting by. (One reason of many, true, but also a large motivation.) This was largely fostered by those in leadership, including the unfortunately U.S. backed Shaw of Iran. As situations got worse, the desire for revolt grew, until at last, the Shaw was overthrown. But U.S. backing was not easily forgotten, and over 40 plus years has only festered deeper into the collective conscience, urged on by those who would take the revolt to our very shores.

Let me emphatically state, I am against any form of jihad. I believe in peaceful protest, and working cooperatively within our government to achieve solutions to the problems we face. In any society, there are divisions, and the U.S. is no different. Trouble begins when a division begins to feel itself left out, or worse, persecuted. We have groups who feel threatened, because they fear every policeman they see. Groups who feel threatened, because they fear loosing everything while trying to become Americans, and finding it more difficult and expensive than they ever imagined. Groups who fear for their lives, because of their sexual orientation, not knowing if they will be the recipient of the next bomb scare. There are people supporting the second amendment, who believe it's sole purpose is to maintain a militia ready to overthrow a tyrannical government...and they believe it is ours.

Now, we have an issue with the Dakota Native Americans, who are trying to stop a pipeline from running through their sacred lands. (Once again, oil seems to be a player.) And the federal government, although issuing a last minute pause in construction by President Obama to look into the matter, has done all it can to push this pipeline forward. Native Americans from across the country have bonded together in an unprecedented show of support. Right now it is a standoff, no foreseeable end in sight. Another fissure is created, one more crack in the wall.

These and so many more groups are out there seeking redress, and either being dismissed, or told to "Toughen up, Buttercup". With each new occurrence, a thread is loosened in the American Fabric, until we are no longer "united", but a heap of rags on the floor. How long before any one, or several, of these groups is pushed to jihad? Sound impossible? The recent attacks on innocent police officers would seem to indicate the time is not that far off. If that happens, our nation will implode on itself, and unlike the War between the States, will not have the energy to recover. Our hope lies in the original premise in our Declaration of Independence, that "ALL men are created equal", and as our pledge states, "with liberty and justice for ALL", not just those that can pay for it.

I pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 that we will turn from our wicked ways, because our wicked ways have caused these divisions. Only then can He heal our land.

Friday, September 9, 2016

A Prayer of Peace and How to Achive It

In this time of fear and trouble, especially in the remembrance of 9/11 tomorrow, there is a prayer from centuries ago that still speaks to the heart today. The solution to outside trouble always is from within us. I'm posting this for our use for now, and whenever there is trouble.

A Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Domesticating God

Listening to NPR today on the way in to work, I heard someone say "Liberal Christianity is trying to domesticate God." And of course, I immediately wondered what it would be like if God were on a sitcom...

Domesticating God - Episode 1
Opening credit music-Interior living room-Front door opens
G - Hi, honey! I'm home! (insert studio applause)

H.S. - You created everything, you're always home! (canned laughter) Where have you been, you're late again.

G- Still trying to figure out how one minute Pluto is a planet, and the next it's not! Humans, can't live with them, can't flood them out. (canned laughter)

H.S - Do you know what your son has done now?

G - Oh, he does something, and now he's MY son? What happened?

H.S. - He ONLY upset his cousin. Little Johnny was trying to practice baptism, and Jesus kept running across the pool! (canned laughter)

G - (big buildup) Je-SUUUSSS!!!

J - Yeah, dad?

G - Up to your room, now! No supper! (beat) What are we having tonight, any way?

H.S. - Loaves and fishes.

G - Again? It's like that stuff just multiplies! (canned laughter)

J- I don't care about supper. I'll just turn my pet rock into bread! (slams door)

End Credit Music

Trying to give God human faults is nothing new. The Greeks took their stories to such lengths, that it was more like Days of our Lives, if one of the Brady's could throw a lightning bolt. Now, it is very true that when Jesus came to earth He was fully human, but unlike Days, he didn't give in to those human temptations, He, like His Father above, was Holy.

I've spoken  much recently about God's love, but this is not a love that comes from weakness. It is available because of the Strength of God's Holiness. He loves, not because of anything we can do, but because of His grace. His Holiness can not abide sin, and the only thing that can erase that sin is His own pure, Holy being. Sinfulness cannot cleanse sinfulness. Only something completely Holy can do that.

That's the power behind John 3:16. "For God so loved the world, that he gave His only, begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." In His Holiness, he became Man, that Man might dwell with Him in His Holiness.

"Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord, God Almighty.
Though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see.
Only thou art Holy. There is none beside thee.
Perfect in power, in love and purity."


Tuesday, August 23, 2016


"While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." Luke 15:20
(If you've not read through this story in a while, it's in Luke, chapter 15. A Hallmark movie moment if there ever was one.)

A few years back, more than I care to mention, I wrote a song with a friend of mine, Ray Dilworth, called "Prodigal". The chorus went like this:

Prodigal - always trying to run away.
Prodigal - got to have things your own way.
Prodigal - got no place to call your own.
Oh, Prodigal, won't you please just come back home.
It's a funny thing, that we will often run from what we love, to achieve what we want. An independent, self-reliant, call your own shots kind of living, because we fear the bonds that love creates will hold us back. Then, when the brass ring we chased after turns green, we think the bonds of love we ran from could never be strong enough to return to. Broken forever, with too much pride or guilt to ever be bonded again.
But that's no how true love works. True love isn't based on "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours". The son in the story no longer felt he was worthy of love, but love isn't based on worth. The father had spent every day at the gate looking for his son, but giving him the choice to run away or run home. When he saw him, still a long way off, did he wait for him at the gate? No, he ran to his son! Did he tell him everything he did wrong, make sure he was good and sorry? No, he gave him a robe, and rings, and sandals, and put on a feast!
Maybe we don't come to God because we fear what He will do. The term "wrath of God" comes to mind. But then we are forgetting "a clean and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise". (Psalm 51:17) Turn to God, and his arms will embrace you in love, not crush you into submission. There is no greater joy in the heart of God, than to see a child come home. And the retuning child is robed in His deep, never-ending love, not lashed with a whip.
Oh, Prodigal, won't you please just come back home?

Friday, August 19, 2016

An Open Letter

Dear God,

     Hi it's me. Can I bend your ear for a minute? First, I just want to thank you. You've saved my life so many times. I should have died when my arteries blocked up, but you saw me through. Ten years later, cancer tried to finish the job, but it was no match for you. In every trial, every darkness, your light continued to shine, even if I couldn't see it. Your arms embraced me, even when I couldn't feel them. Your love never failed me, even when I felt no love for myself or anyone else. You are faithful, even when I am faithless. To say you are steadfast seems a very weak way to describe your unchanging love. Yet your love is steadfast, and does not depend on me. While I was still in sin, you loved me. While I was in the womb, you cared for me. From before the world began, you determined to save me; from sin and from myself. I am blessed beyond my worth, because you have deemed me worthy.

     So why does my heart still feel despair? Why does darkness still come? Why does my soul cry out "How long, O Lord, how long?" It is not because your love has changed, but my vision has turned. If I choose to look at the darkness, then its darkness I see. If I look to your light, then darkness must flee. Help me to focus on your light and love. Help me feel your warmth, when the coldness of the world encroaches. Help me to shout your name in praise, even when my voice is the only one I hear. And when I finally see your face, I will remember that is was there all along, even when I would not see.

Your child,


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A Poem For My Dad

A slight diversion on this post. These words may be an acceptable poem, or just the ramblings of a sleep depraved man. Hope you enjoy.

Danny Boy

I rose from a restless sleep.
A melody followed from dream to wakefulness.
A familiar tune, one of my Dad's favorites, mine too.
Played on a trumpet; smooth, clear, tempo rubato.
Like an ocean tide rushing to the shore, then
Reluctantly, slowly, retreating back to the depths.

And I laughed, because my Dad hated the ocean.
Yet the ocean is my haven of rest..
The same melody ran through us both, yet rarely
In sync with each other.
When I heard a trumpet, he heard a guitar.
When I rushed, he slowed.
When I slowed, he rushed.
Still, it was the same, beautiful song.

My family all have variations on that tune.
Some rock, some country, some bluegrass,
classical, even jazz.
Some improvise until you can barely hear the tune at all.
On the surface, a symphony of noise rising to the heavens,
Till the angels cover their ears.
But underneath, the melody stays strong and true.
And I love it.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Is There Anything Good?

     "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8

     I've always had a bit of a sarcastic streak in me. It helped me survive my educational years, elementary, middle school, high school. I was too puny to do much damage physically, except to myself, so my mouth was my weapon. as I get older, I see it still exists in me, but now threatens to turn me into a grumpy old man. The kind that sits in a chair on the porch, yelling at kids to get off my lawn, or complaining that everybody mumbles now, can't anybody speak plain English! Worse yet, I see the world today, with its violence, hate, and just pure evil, and I want to just give up on the world, go find a beach somewhere, and wait for Jesus to just pick me up on His way by. (Come to think of it...I DO think about the beach a lot! My happy place...)

     So, where was I...oh, yeah. So what's a guy to do? As in most cases, the opposite of what the world does. Don't act like I can't see the bad, that would be ignorance and a lie. Do focus on the good...true, honorable, pure, lovely, commendable, excellence, anything worthy of praise. Spend more energy finding good than evil. The process is more rewarding, and less ulcer inducing. Even to a grumpy old man like myself.

     Is it easy? It is not. It takes work, and focus, and failure, and trying over and over again. In Philippians 4:9, Paul goes on to say "What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me - practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you" See the word "practice"? (I hope so-it's in bold print! Oops, there I go again!) Practice means a continuing effort.

     I don't claim to do this well, or sometimes, even at all, but thank God that He is there to remind me. I would much rather try, with God's help, to look at the world and others on their "good sides", than to live and participate in the same hate I see all around. This is something special. This is looking through God's eyes, and only He can lift away that veil of hate so that we can see. Because only His eyes see truth, good and evil. But He turns His eyes away from lies, and toward love of His children. All of them.

     Look to Jesus, who sees us through love, then find that love in others - and think on THESE things. And when it seems too hard to see, remember "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Thursday, August 4, 2016

God Is Steadfast - In Spite Of Us

Well, its been two weeks since my last post. Anybody miss me? Anyone...? Hello...? Is this mike on...?

As I've mentioned before, spiritual discipline and consistency have always been a shortfall of mine. I'll work and work and reach a spiritual plateau, and instead of pressing on, I sit on my good intentions and rest.

"I don't have to read my Bible today, God understands."
"Don't have time for that devotion today, but me and God are tight, so it's cool."
I don't have to write a blog Every week, blah, blah."

While these are just mine, I'm sure others can fill in their own scenarios.

Why do we do this? Why do we set our eyes on the goal, then stop halfway through the race? Is it because we don't have a true view of the goal?

Jesus is our goal. To be one with Him is our goal. We know that in our human selves this race is for a lifetime, but we turn our eyes to ourselves, off of Him, sit in the middle of the track and say "See how good I am?".

From a legal standpoint, two laws would be enough to cover. "Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and your neighbor as yourself." (Dut 6:5) (Lev 19:18).But we can't love God fully, and turn to ourselves and our own understanding, and we can't love others properly, because most of us don't love ourselves properly. We are to put ourselves in God's care in bad AND good times. We are to love others with the same forgiving love with which God loves us. But when we step out of focus with God's love, we can no longer give that to others. These two are interdependent of each other.

Not to worry though. Even when we turn from Him, His grace is more than enough to allow us to re-turn to Him. You see even though we are not consistent, His love and grace ALWAYS are! Focus on Him is the key. Empty ourselves completely to be filled with Him completely. To reach a point where we see others with God's loving eyes, and other see God's love in us. Something I admit to failing daily, and daily needing God's grace to restore me. But even as inconsistent as I am, God is steadfast forever. Amen.

If you get a chance, read through the book of Romans this week. Maybe a couple of times. Paul says it so much better!

Friday, July 22, 2016

New Wine in Old Wineskins

And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins—and the wine is destroyed, and so are the skins. But new wine is for fresh wineskins.” Mark 2:22

This week has seen the Republican Convention start and end, and next week will be the Democratic Convention. Both of these already know the persons who will be nominated to run for President of the United States. Rather than anything different, we seem to be given the same old, same old, party down the line rhetoric. Even that is more from the speech writers than the candidates or their chosen "character references". You would get more honest opinion on an episode of "Nashville" than what both parties are giving to the American People.

In this year, as I've watched the election process unfold, I've been reminded over and over of the George Orwell novel, Animal Farm. Those who promote freedom and change simply turning back to the old ways and making matters worse. All are equal, but some more equal than others.

This is not the America I studied in Civics class. We are not a country that is "of the party, by the party, and for the party". Only when we begin to behave and act as Americans, and not parties, will real change occur. I'm not knocking the party system. It serves a purpose and is relevant. But when the party becomes more relevant that the country, there is a problem. We've seen it over and again in stalemates in Congress, neither side moving because of "Party Lines", and true communication is lost. As is true resolution.

So once again we've put new candidates into the same old party structure. We elect a party, not a person, and refuse to listen to the other party regardless of what they may have to say. The old wineskin of this party parity is about to burst, and Americans will be the ones to suffer for it.

Be sure that when you cast your vote, you think not just of yourself, but of those who may be in a different situation than you. Think of the needs of ALL Americans, as this coming President is the president of ALL Americans, not Republicans or Democrats. This is the thinking that will reform the party system, by putting it in its proper place. This is the thinking that will create serious debate to find serious solutions. Party loyalty has created a nation of sheep led by sound bytes on television with no notion of the full context. Break the mold. Study, learn, listen, question. Then vote. Not for a party, but an Idea. An idea that Lincoln was correct when he said this was a nation "of the people, by the people, and for the people."

Soap box rant over.

Friday, July 15, 2016

A Thread of Love

It's been a week of funerals, and I'm pretty worn out myself. My uncle Laney, my mom's older brother, passed away on Sunday, just one month shy of his 96th birthday. (Or as he would have said, 69th birthday.) Then the father of a dear friend passed away mid-week, and I'm glad to say I was able to be there to pay my respects, and help where I could, and just be there when I couldn't do more.

This has also been a week of celebration, leading the opening worship service for Annual Conference of the Southern Methodist Church. Getting together with friends and family, even in sad times, and laughing at ourselves. A sadness in our joy, and a joy in our sadness. And so goes life.

The unifying thread in all this is God. God's presence in those funerals, not to diminish the sorrow, and make it disingenuous, but to allow it, support it, and more so, to share in it. God's presence in worship, as men and women gather for the serious task of determining how the church shall proceed in the coming year, and finding God not a task master, but a shepherd. In His love given to us, and us to Him, and multiplied by sharing with each other.

And so (should) go life. Spend time loving God, and letting Him love you. Spend time loving others, and letting others love you. Me, I'm going to spend time in a nap in the not too distant future. Faith. Hope. Love.

Friday, July 8, 2016

The Problem with Hate

"We have so many battles going on in America today that we should be a people of prayer. Our leaders need prayer. Our schools need prayer. Our youth need our prayers. Our families need our prayers." - Billy Graham (in a Facebook post from Franklin Graham.)

My heart is extremely heavy this morning. I awoke to the news that at the end of what had been a peaceful demonstration, police officers were attacked in a vicious, organized military-like assault, creating a further divide in an already tense society. And it all stems from hate. Whether it is from distrust, fear or ignorance, it is still hate. This hate will not go away. It is a part of this world, and has been since Adam's fall. It was here before us, and will be here after us, unless Jesus returns to save us from ourselves.

There are those today who are blaming the media, saying its constant reporting is only making things worse. There are those on both sides of the gun control issue, each using this a "proof" of their position. There are even those using this as a political Republican/Democrat battle. I'll not go into the relevance of any of these issues, because they do not actually address the problem. The media is not the issue. Gun control is not the issue. Politics is not the issue. HATE is the issue. HATE is the target we should focus on. HATE is what we must fight.

I've long believed that right and just causes, when fueled by hate, are still wrong and unjust. If God is love as 1 John 4 states, then if follows (vs. 19-21) that anything fueled by hate is not of God. The beginning of this chapter states very clearly that the spirits are to be tested, because not everything is of God. Trouble is, there seems to be more rash judgments than testing of spirits going on.

Then how are we to battle the hate that is consuming our world at a more rapid and rabid pace that ever before. 1 John 4 contains a key to this as well.

"Greater is He in you that he that is in the world" (vs.4)
But we cannot use God as our own personal weapon of destruction, releasing a barrage on our enemies, raining fire from above. So then, what? Verse 7 contains that answer.
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God"
The only way the world will see anything but hate, is to show love, even to those undeserving. (Matthew 5: 43-48) Especially to those undeserving, because they need it most. Jesus cannot operate fully through His church unless His church operates through His love. Without love, all of our "good intentions" and "righteous causes" are no better than a noisy gong or clanging cymbal. (1 Corinthians 13)
So in response to the world today, I suggest first, we pray. Then, we reach out to all who are hurting, whose passion and fear and hate drive them on, and show them something God's unfailing love. In the fight against hate, this is the only weapon we truly have. The only weapon we need.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Freedom - A History

Freedom - such an incredible concept. A word that inspires, motivates, excites, even promotes sacrifice to the ultimate. The decision to break free from England was not without soul searching, heart wrenching, second and third thoughts, and yes, blood. Because of that, this freedom is precious to us all, and will not be given up to any outside person or government. Any threat, foreign or domestic, will be faced, and God willing, defeated.

Freedom, however, is not free. With great freedom comes great responsibility. Freedom without responsibility results in chaos. Freedom of speech without responsibility results in lies spread as truth, and hatred of another because of race, sex or creed becomes a "right". Freedom of assembly without responsibility becomes mob rule, with violence, injury, even death, a natural outcome. Freedom to bear arms, without responsibility, will create a vigilante society, in which all, in order to defend against irrational men, BECOME irrational men.

In 1776, a group of men gathered together and signed a document written by Thomas Jefferson, declaring their independence from England and their freedom to enjoy their God given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thirteen independent, sovereign states (read countries), united as one to become free. Problems soon started rising out of this "confederation" of states however, as each state had its own militia, each had its own trade and tariffs, each even had its own separate monies The alliance, held together by some loosely binding "Articles of Confederation" was in danger of falling apart. (Sound familiar - EU?) There was a need to create a new government, binding the colonies together as a republic, and overseeing them all, to ensure the preservation of this new union.

This was not achieved without much turmoil. These individual states would not give up their sovereign status without a fight. In order to agree to form as a union under federal control, certain rights had to be guaranteed, to insure no loss of the freedoms they had just won, no chance they were just trading one tyranny for another. Many states refused to sign this Constitution unless those freedoms were in writing. Even then, they could not all agree on what should be listed, wanting to be sure no state had more power than another.

Finally, after much debate, consultation and compromise, a set of 10 amendments, a "Bill of Rights", was drafted, and agreed to. The importance of these rights cannot be over estimated, becoming the first 10 amendments of this great blueprint of a new government. A Constitution for the United States of America.

Those freedoms are possible because of the strength of the government enforcing them. That government is strong because of the laws, fairly administered, in the articles that follow those rights. They were forged in turbulent times, creating a living document that can and must be adaptable to each generation, in order to preserve the freedoms it protects.

We are once again in turbulent times. It is time for rational men and women to discuss, to argue, to compromise, to find adaptable frameworks to ensure the freedoms we enjoy. Only by finding common ground, and standing together, will we ensure these freedoms for the next generation. To do so will require respect, even in disagreement. It will require solidarity as Americans, not political parity. It will come with turmoil, and conflict and passion. Passion with a fire that will forge a strength to last another 240 years, and more. Happy Birthday America. May God bless you.

Monday, June 20, 2016

The People We Never Were

"Once again IN MEMORIAM. And In Memoriam  for the people we used to be."
- Bette Midler

     The quote above was sent out following the recent Orlando, Florida club shootings, accompanied by a picture of a wreath of white lilies. And I sighed a little, wishing for a sometimes remembered time that was not filled with what seems to be daily tragedies, and the horrific treatment of our fellow humans on this earth, God's beloved creations.

     But as I longed for those past times, I realized my remembrance may be false. Mankind's ability to group itself into categories has been for thousands of years, and its ability to cast judgment on all other categories but its own for only a few days shorter. Judgment creates self-importance, and self-importance, when confronted, creates hate. And hate has been around since the dawn of time.

     The only real difference I see is not the depth of the hatred there (it has always been deep), but the extremely volatile nature it has taken on. More and more, people wear their hate just under the surface of their skin. More and more this thin layer of skin is being exposed, ripped off, with its evil pus spewing out.

     We have tried to conquer hate with logic, with civility, with avoidance, even with laws. Nothing has worked. The only way this sickness can be cured, the only way to become the people, and the country we like to remember ourselves to be, is with Love.

     And not just any love. Not a love of live and let live, that is avoidance. Not a love that looks down on others, that is judgment. The love that will restore us is God. Only He sees us, not in separate categories, not in cliques, but as His children, His creation. ALL fallen, ALL loved-equally. NONE worthy, but ALL loved - equally.

     It is only when we share God's love with each other, that things will change.No walls, just love No judgment (all of us should be judged, because we all fail.), just love. The free, undeserved, unrestricted Love of God, through us. Until then we will never be "the people we used to be." Because we never were. But we can be.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A New Poem - Looking Out at the Rain

It's raining outside.
Some would say "in sheets".
Some would say "torrential".
To me, it seems God turned on
A giant garden hose, then
put His thumb over the edge
of the spout to give it more pressure.
And He's chasing everybody with it.
"Come play" He calls.

It's raining outside.
Even the Summer Sun is
taking a well earned, unscheduled nap
as the street lights come on
at 2 in the afternoon creating
a mysterious glow, as the artificial
light prisms off the wall of rain.
The wall ripples as God breathes on it.
"Come play" He calls.

It's raining outside.
Little streams in the parking lot
gather together to become little creeks that
become flowing rivers, powerfully
traveling where they will.
All this I see from the window by my cube.
Wanting to travel the river to its end.
But my reflection in the window looks at me,
his back to it all, and I turn to the wall and sigh.

God calls.
"Come play".
I walk away.
"Not today".
"It's raining outside."

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Final Comment on Prayer from John Wesley

     Whether we think of or speak to God, whether we act or suffer for him, all is prayer, when we have no other object than his love, and the desire of pleasing him.
All that a Christian does, even in eating and sleeping, is prayer, when it is done in simplicity, according to the order of God, without either adding to or diminishing from it by his own choice (A Plain Account of Christian Perfection, Q 38, 5).

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Week Nine - Amen

     Well, here we are at the end of two months. For me, it doesn't seem that long, to others, it may seem a lifetime! I'm posting this ahead because this Friday, I'm having a procedure done that will have me "out of it". I would appreciate if you would "Hold me in the light".

     So, what have we learned in all this? I remember a preacher once telling me the key to a good sermon was tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them. This would be the latter part! While there is so much more, this is what we covered.

1. Discipline yourself to prayer.
2. We are given a model to pray by.
3. Pray for, not about, each other.
4. God heals the broken hearted.
5. Forgive others, period.
6. Pray to God not as we think, but as He knows Himself to be.
7. Be Still and Wait - Silence is golden.
8. The Holy Spirit prays for and through us.

     Whew! Prayer seems so...well...complicated. But it's really not. Prayer is, at it's most fundamental, bringing yourself into the presence of God. Removing the barriers that we, not God, put up. Basking in His presence. Communicating. Even though we don't feel worthy, God has made us worthy to come to Him through the blood of Jesus. He sees us, not through Rose Colored glasses, but through Christ's blood that covers us. How beautiful, and precious, and wonderful to be seen as we are, but accepted as what we shall be! Whether it be with beads, at an alter, with scripture, or with simply "Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner", come to Him and often.

     It isn't often I feel the urge to write, as I have these last two months. I do know when I feel that calling, I have no choice but to obey. I don't know if this has been for someone else, or if I needed this for myself. (full disclosure-I did) If this has helped you in anyway, let me know in the comments here or on Facebook. I'd love the feedback.

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14


Friday, May 20, 2016

Week Eight - Lines Please!

" And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2:4

"Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words."
Romans 8:26

" Teach me to pray. Pray thyself in me." Francois de la Mothe Fenelon (1651-1715)

     Sometimes when an actor is in rehearsal, he may totally blank out on his character's line. There is a person set up to help with that. The actor can call "Line, please", and the script person will give the next line. Not that I've ever had to, but I've heard. (cough, cough)
     Sometimes, we try to avoid prayer, simply because we don't know what to say. It can make for a pretty easy excuse, except that it assumes prayer is only one sided. Sometimes it is because we can't think of what to say, sometimes it is because our desire or hurt is so deep that mere words fail us. Sometimes the pain is as deep as the soul, and the only expression that fits is sounds of despair. I don't know anyone that hasn't at least once felt that inner turmoil.

     Enter the third person of the Trinity, His Royal Highness, the Holy Spirit. He knows our problems and needs even before we do. (Isaiah 65:24) His Spirit dwells within us. (Ephesians 3:16) His Spirit intercedes for us. (Romans 8:26) But this requires trust. A trust that God does know our problems. A trust that God does care. And a willingness to go to Him without preparation, or fine words, or anything at all except our whole selves; body, mind, soul, spirit. Anything less is holding back from Him the knowledge He already has, because He sees from the inside.

     God is looking for an open heart. He will even provide the words, when we have none. As the Psalmist said "A broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." (Psalms 51:17)

The Psalm this week is Psalm 42. At first glance, it seems to be a psalm of longing, thirst, even despair, but in actuality, it is a psalm of hope. Pour yourself out to the Lord, and let His healing waters refresh you.