I try not to focus on politics much on this blog, but recent events have caused me to wonder about our world, and specifically, our country, and I'd like to share a few thoughts. As always, my opinions are my own, and no better or worse than others, but I do beg your indulgence from just a moment. Thank you.
The idea of "jihad" has been around for a long time, but modern jihadism seems to have it's start in the late 60's and early 70's. Small dessert nations were getting rich with oil profits, yet the majority of it's peoples were barely getting by. (One reason of many, true, but also a large motivation.) This was largely fostered by those in leadership, including the unfortunately U.S. backed Shaw of Iran. As situations got worse, the desire for revolt grew, until at last, the Shaw was overthrown. But U.S. backing was not easily forgotten, and over 40 plus years has only festered deeper into the collective conscience, urged on by those who would take the revolt to our very shores.
Let me emphatically state, I am against any form of jihad. I believe in peaceful protest, and working cooperatively within our government to achieve solutions to the problems we face. In any society, there are divisions, and the U.S. is no different. Trouble begins when a division begins to feel itself left out, or worse, persecuted. We have groups who feel threatened, because they fear every policeman they see. Groups who feel threatened, because they fear loosing everything while trying to become Americans, and finding it more difficult and expensive than they ever imagined. Groups who fear for their lives, because of their sexual orientation, not knowing if they will be the recipient of the next bomb scare. There are people supporting the second amendment, who believe it's sole purpose is to maintain a militia ready to overthrow a tyrannical government...and they believe it is ours.
Now, we have an issue with the Dakota Native Americans, who are trying to stop a pipeline from running through their sacred lands. (Once again, oil seems to be a player.) And the federal government, although issuing a last minute pause in construction by President Obama to look into the matter, has done all it can to push this pipeline forward. Native Americans from across the country have bonded together in an unprecedented show of support. Right now it is a standoff, no foreseeable end in sight. Another fissure is created, one more crack in the wall.
These and so many more groups are out there seeking redress, and either being dismissed, or told to "Toughen up, Buttercup". With each new occurrence, a thread is loosened in the American Fabric, until we are no longer "united", but a heap of rags on the floor. How long before any one, or several, of these groups is pushed to jihad? Sound impossible? The recent attacks on innocent police officers would seem to indicate the time is not that far off. If that happens, our nation will implode on itself, and unlike the War between the States, will not have the energy to recover. Our hope lies in the original premise in our Declaration of Independence, that "ALL men are created equal", and as our pledge states, "with liberty and justice for ALL", not just those that can pay for it.
I pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 that we will turn from our wicked ways, because our wicked ways have caused these divisions. Only then can He heal our land.
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