Monday, March 21, 2016

Holy Week?

     It's that time of year again. In the Christian calendar, it's known as Holy Week. It is set aside to remember Christ's entry into Jerusalem, His last meal with His disciples, His suffering, death, burial, and at the end of the week, His resurrection. But why set aside a week for this, when as Christians, this should always be something we remember and cherish? Because we are human, and can easily forget even something as life changing as His salvation.
     Just as an example, let's look at that last meal Jesus had that Thursday night. It wasn't just any meal, but was a Passover Seder. Once a year, the Hebrew people were commanded to serve a special meal, to remember both their suffering and their rescue from suffering. It was a chance to bring God's presence out front. Even with this yearly celebration, how often did God's children forget their salvation!
     When Jesus sat at this particular meal, God's people were once again under persecution. So what is the purpose of remembering past persecution, when there was plenty to go around currently? Because, just like today, we tend to see the troubles, and not see the salvation. The Seder meal was not just about past suffering, not just past rescue, but also current suffering, and God's promise that He was there, and would still rescue. It was about His promise and salvation both then AND now.
     And that's where Holy Week comes in for us today. Just as the Seder has different elements to help remind of suffering and redemption and victory, so the different aspects of Holy Week allow Christians to reflect remember, grieve, repent and celebrate. Not just His resurrection close to 2000 years ago, but our current sufferings, as individuals, as a people, as a country, as a world. Then remember that just as then, He Is Alive, present, and is the salvation for all our suffering, then AND now.
     Then, God's children hoped for a king, that would magically eliminate all their problems. Today, much of that same thought exists among Christians as well.

"If only we had the right (insert pastor, government, leaders, etc.)".

     But our salvation is not in any of those things. Only when we call on Him to act in us, and through us, will things begin to change. Give as Christ has given to you. Forgive, without condition, as Christ has forgiven you. Love all, as Christ has loved you. Be Christ in this world, and He will save, regardless of the governments of the world. Regardless of the leaders of the world. Not just regardless, but in spite of.
     Full disclosure, when I say "you", I mean it as a universal term, "we". I am guilty, so very often, of not being a worthy representative of His Holy Name. Even then, Jesus forgives me, when I come to Him. When I remember Him. His salvation is never more remembered than on this Holy Week. Remember Him.

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