"Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed."
- 1st Corinthians 15:51-52
The other day, I saw a tract in the bathroom at work with the title "One Minute After You Die". I did not read it (I'm not in the habit of picking up things left in the bathroom!), but it did set me to thinking. There are several ideas on what happens at death, and I'd like to look at a few here.
One is that death is final and forever. Gone, Kaput, Bye-Bye, Worm food. When the physical self ceases to be, all thought, dreams, likes, dislikes and wants will all end with it. Anything that made up who you were (personality, creativity, your true essence) is forever gone. Not a fan of this mode of thought.
Another is like that, but states that brain activity continues for a short time after death. This would allow for the near-death experiences we hear of, the white light being the electrical impulses still traveling the neurons. Seeing family and friends our memories acting as dreams for one last time. But in the end, the result here is the same as before. Gone. Also not a fan.
Some will admit to the existence of a soul, but believe that soul is reincarnated (comes back) into a different body after death, leaving at most, trace elements of the life it led before. Eventually, when a soul reaches perfection, is sent heavenward. While this would greatly reduce Heavenly overcrowding, what happens to the lives of all those who went before the final reincarnation, each life different and unique? Seems a waste. Not a fan.
So, my thoughts? I think the soul goes on, but that it is separate and unique, just as we are all separate and unique. I believe the soul is eternal, because it is how we are created in God's image, in Spirit. We are also created in His image in body, though, in that He came down to earth in human form. So...what now?
We are told to worship with all our "heart, soul and might". (Deut. 6:5) Mentally, spiritually, physically. Because what happens in one area, will affect the others. In that "One Minute After", I imagine our souls are going to look pretty battered and bruised. But then the unimaginable happens. "We shall be changed". Not from who we are, but INTO who we were meant to be. The personality, the memories, the character, all enhanced by God's gracious love. Made pure, by His Holy Breath, just as we were given life in creation by His Breath. In that "One Minute After", we shall see God as He truly is, and be seen as who we truly are. And the new bodies created to house the perfected souls shall be imperishable. Perfection, without weakness or sickness. Perfect houses for perfected souls.
Your thoughts may differ on the matter. As always, these are "my" Thoughts and Musings. There is even debate on when that change may happen, at death or at Jesus' return. But think on this. On any of the first three, whatever you do, say or think, will eventually be of no consequence. Those things that make you "you" will be gone. If, however, you feel the soul DOES go on, then everything you do to nurture it continues on for eternity. Every act of kindness, thoughtful words, or simple sharing of yourself is carried on forever. And EVEN should that be wrong, your doing so leaves the world a better place.
But it's not wrong. And your soul deserves the care of Christ. Because you are His, not as slaves, but as brothers and sisters. God's own, loved children. Let Him love you deeply, richly, as he so desperately wants to do. Then, love each other as He loves you.
(And if you SHOULD be reincarnated, I hope you never come back as the third verse of a hymn. Those things NEVER get sung!)
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