Monday, January 30, 2017

Tales from the Darkside

"They say that death causes clarity.
To see everything as it should be.
Well, I have seen death and he's seen me.
We wave as we pass by on the street."
-Mark Mills

I've seen a lot of death in this new year. (And that's not just the recent rash of celebrity deaths that seem to take more and more of my childhood away!) Several good friends have either died, or had some one close die, in just the last couple of months. With each one, I realize that my own death is just as easily close as any I see. I've faced serious health issues in my adult life, after each one, sticking out my tongue and saying "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah-nah!", at least in the light.

Facing a crises can fundamentally change a person, and I'm no different.
1. Always a worrier, I now worry just a little less.
2. Important issues change their priority, some dropping out of sight entirely.
3. I'm more likely to say out loud what I used to keep to myself, because as my doctor told me "When you've faced down death, you don't have time for the B.S. any more!"
4. I've learned that there is nothing more solid on earth than my wife's love, and I can trust in that love always.
5. I've learned that I can trust and lean on God for all things, and the more I lean on Him, the more love He gives, and the more I then thirst for His love. A beautiful cycle that only grows stronger.
6. And I find strength in surrender.

This is not a post for sadness, but joy. Friends who have passed we long for, but their arrival into Glory is more beautiful than words. Daily I'm reminded of my own mortality, but the clarity it brings, and the love I've found, make me better than I ever could have hoped to be otherwise. All in all, life is a pretty sweet ride.

Psalm 23

Friday, January 20, 2017

Inauguration Day 2017

From the Book of Common Prayer:

O Lord our Governor, whose glory is in all the world: We commend this nation to thy merciful care, that, being guided  by thy Providence, we may dwell secure in thy peace. Grant  to the President of the United States, the Governor of this State (or Commonwealth), and to all in authority, wisdom and strength to know and to do thy will. Fill them with the
love of truth and righteousness, and make them ever mindful of their calling to serve this people in thy fear; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the
Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.

The election has come and gone. A peaceful transition of power is underway, something that is unique and vital to our form of government. As Christians, we are called on, specifically, to pray for those that are in authority, because they (Democrat or Republican, Blue Meanie or Oompa Loompa) have been placed there by the hand of God. (Romans 13:1)

Just as God is no respecter of persons, neither is he a respecter of politics. Regardless of who you voted for, we have a president in office. It is our job to pray for him, not to do our will, but that he will be led to do the will of God. It is our job to pray for our country, not for our vision of right or wrong, but God's vision of his "light on a hill, that cannot be hidden".

May God bless the U.S.A.

Friday, January 6, 2017

The Three Wise Dudes

Melchior - Gentlemen, thank you for coming! But why are there just two of you?

Caspar - Because no one else would give up a good night's sleep to listen to your ravings, Melchior.

Balthazar - And why are we here in the middle of the night, instead of our soft warm beds?

M - Look to the sky...over there...and tell me what you see.

B - Sooo Dramatic!

C - OK, I'll bite. Sky, stars. Same as at the beginning of time, same until time's end. Again, why are we here, Melchior?

M - Look to that one star, the bright one.

B - So, it's bright. It's just the north star. No, wait, that's the eastern sky. Then maybe a planet or sun we hadn't noticed?

C - You could have told us this in the morning. Why now to tell us of a star?

M - Because it is not A star, it is THE star.

C - (pause) The one from the Jewish prophecies.

M - The same.

B - How are you sure?

M - I've been watching the sky since this star appeared. It did not move into place, it appeared. And since then, as the other lights have moved and danced across the sky, THIS star took a different path, straight and true. And for the last week, has not moved at all. This is the place. We follow the star, we find the KING!

All of this is conjecture, of course. What we know from scripture is that men came from the east, sidetracked to King Herod's palace, found Jesus, gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, and after a warning dream, dodged Herod on the return trip. (Which did not make Herod a happy boy.) Everything else is tradition and supposition. That these men were not Jewish is probable, but they may have had servants who were, thus their knowledge of the prophecy of a Messiah/King.

Jesus is not a God of just Jews, or just Christians, but is a God of all. John 3:16 says "God so loved THE WORLD.". He was not here for just a subset of society. We are not seen by God as the classes and groups we have placed ourselves and others in. Our only two classifications are "All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God." and "Those who are born of water & spirit.". Remember, too, that being part of the latter doesn't exclude you from the former! Treat all as God's creation. Love all as your bother/sister. Seek God, and offer the gift of yourself. And try not to let Herod catch you!