Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sing the Song

Hello, all! I want to post a poem that I wrote a couple of years ago, and had posted on another website. Not being a poet by trade will hopefully excuse any glaring technical faults!

Sing the Song

It's words began a world ago,

When Love was all there was to know

And from His depths all else did flow

Sing the Song.

Then Love reached down with His own hand

And gath'ring up the dust and sand

And mud He shaped the form of man.

Sing the Song.

He then knelt down, and face to face,

Lips to lips, new life did create.

Love's very breath through man did race.

Sing the Song.

So man, with woman as his bride

Was placed by Love to dwell inside

A garden, Eden, Paradise.

Sing the Song.

Then came another, filled with hate

Towards the song of Love so great.

It's melody he must abate

So none could Sing the Song.

A subtle lie, a knowing nod

A wink, a nudge. "You'll be like god!"

And with two bites, man's voice could not

Sing the Song.

In fear, and nakedness of sin

Man lost the song, and empty then

Did Death replace where Love had been

To Sing the Song.

So Love, who once breathed life within

Knew if He would dwell there again

He must, Himself, pay for the sin

And Sing the Song.

If life once came by touching man

Then coming down He would again

Give life, and teach of Love's refrain.

Sing the Song.

Some heard the Song as only noise.

To others just a madman's voice.

Still others felt they had no choice.

They would not Sing the Song.

But some the melody did bring

Their hearts to praise; their voices sing

The Word of Love once more to ring.

And Sing the Song.

The evil one, in mighty rage

That Love would steal his victory stage

With seething hate, he would engage

A plan to kill the Song.

In dark of night, he captured Him

And precious Love took on the sin

That is, will be, and that had been.

And crucified the Song.

Despair came down like darkest night.

The few that sang just ran in fright.

The evil one laughed with delight,

"Now try to sing the Song!".

For three long days, the silence lay

Thick and heavy in dismay

That in a grave our Love did lay.

Silencing the Song.

Then Death itself reversed its course

And rising with a mighty force

The King of Love lifted His voice

And roared out the Song.

The sun and stars now at His feet

At God's right hand He takes His seat

Till His return brings joy complete

And all Sing the Song.

"All hail the true and mighty King!

Salvation to His children bring.

So to the world we all must sing -


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