Wednesday, May 23, 2018


I recently did a challenge on Facebook to name 10 albums that have been an influence on me. As I think back on it, I realize these albums influenced my music, but not necessarily me. I can point to many people and things that have influenced me (yeah, I’m gullible that way) but it’s hard to nail down the how and harder the why. I’m going to try to acknowledge at least some of the people that have. The main problem with that is that every person that comes into your life has made some influence, one way or another. There is no way to give credit to everyone. (Kind of like Oscar Night – you know?) So I’m just going to hit on a few.

One of the earliest religious influences I had, other than my parents, was the pastor at St. John’s UMC (then just Methodist – didn’t go United till 1968. Happy 50th!), Rev. Oscar Smith. (See what I did with Oscar Night there?) He was very personable. He and my dad would go hunting together. His wife and my mom were good friends (and shared the name Leona-her first, mom’s middle). His daughter was only a year or two older than me. I probably spent as much time there as I did at my own house (we were just down the street). I’d spend summer climbing their willow tree and swimming, winter sledding down the best hill in the neighborhood. We would start at the top of the church parking lot, and end up two houses past theirs!

Oscar was also a Shriner clown. I think that’s something I remember better than anything. Because his attitude was one of joy. Going to church wasn’t fearful, or bombastic, or even dull. The Joy of the Lord was his strength, and it showed in the service. Not irreverent, although I wouldn’t have known that at the time, but joyful…fun. Oscar was a man who lived a joyful AND a Godly life, and it came out in everything he did.

I think that’s one of the reasons I place so much emphasis on Love in what I say and write. We have churches that decry the sin in the world (and that should be done!) but in so doing they also launch an attack on those who are sinning. There is a fine line here, between condemning the sin and condemning the sinner. One is allowed and expected of us, the other the province of God alone. That is the difference between in the world, but not of it. Ours is to love every person, regardless, even our enemies. We are given no other option there. And an atmosphere of Love is best grown in an atmosphere of Joy.

Think for just a bit. Does anything in your beliefs allow you to look down on or judge another person? (Not their actions, but the person themselves.) Think hard on this. Hate doesn’t always show itself in broad, Dr. Evil kind of ways. Usually, hate is very subtle. It can be is the casual off-hand comment, the condescending eye roll, the self-righteous smirk. Think “Bless their hearts”. (You in the South know what I mean!) It can be anything that allows us to consider ourselves better than any other person in our own eyes. In God’s eyes, we are all the same. We are ALL His children. We are ALL sinners. Being in that same boat does not allow us the freedom or capacity to judge any other human being. Only God can see the heart, and only God is allowed to judge. And thank God, that judgment is tempered by His Mercy and Grace. Otherwise, we would ALL be TOAST! Remember that, and always try to share God’s Love which He gives in abundance, rather than God’s wrath, which we have no right to.

Anyway, to Oscar Smith, thank you.

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